Full of the milk of human kindness.

Now that I have all this time on my hands, you would think I would be a prolific writer.  Every day would be full of pithy insights, fantastic social commentary and definitely some hilarious observations.  Nope, not at all.  Somehow my brain has shut down with this forced time of reflection.  Ugh, reflection.  Who wants … Continue reading Full of the milk of human kindness.

Mondays, not for the faint of heart.

Written before Covid-19 changed Mondays as we once knew them... Why are Mondays so hard?  They are like a new year, every week.  The resolutions might be smaller but you still make them.  Monday is the day you are going to start eating better, exercise more and definitely be more positive about...everything.  You have a … Continue reading Mondays, not for the faint of heart.

A word of advice…

Last month I moved temporarily, to look for a job, and didn’t realize that there are things to consider besides a central location, frequency/infrequency of muggings and most importantly, nearby Chipotles. Here are a few key items that I unhappily learned: Think about proximity to a fire station. Not for safety purposes but for the … Continue reading A word of advice…

Olympus Airways has seen better days…

Imagine our surprise when we got off the VietJet transfer bus and saw an Olympus Airways (https://www.olympusairways.gr/) plane on the tarmac in front of us.  We were even more surprised when we got on the plane to Da Nang and there was an entirely European crew wearing one type of uniform plus two crew members … Continue reading Olympus Airways has seen better days…

Flirting or Business Development?*

When is it flirting and when is it being friendly?  Are they working on business development or are they truly interested?  You know that feeling when you aren't sure if the bartender is being nice or just trying to pad his tip?  I feel like personal trainers, servers, real estate agents and hair stylists are … Continue reading Flirting or Business Development?*

Sex, drugs and rock & roll in the Starbucks bathroom…

I have written about the Starbucks bathroom before but I feel like what I saw today deserves a mention.  The Starbucks I frequent is in the middle of an affluent neighborhood in Seattle.  There are very few homeless people, not a lot of bars and it is a pretty low-key place.  This is the Starbucks … Continue reading Sex, drugs and rock & roll in the Starbucks bathroom…